Starring Donald Crisp
                Laurence Naismith
Directed by Don Chaffey
Walt Disney Pictures, 1961

When visiting Edinburgh, if you get yourself to the corner of Edinburgh's Candlemaker Row and the George IV Bridge, you'll find the statue of a Skye Terrier named Bobby who has created a good amount of hype.

As one story goes, Bobby was so devoted to his master, John Gray, that when he died, he never left his gravesite in Greyfriars Kirkyard. When a law came to indicating that stray dogs be put to death, the Lord Provost paid for the license to be given and Bobby was put into the custody of the city council. When Bobby died, he was unable to be buried in the cemetary's consecrated ground, so instead was buried just inside the gate of the kirkyard.

The storyline in the movie doesn't follow this version of the legend, but it doesn't matter too  much anyway. There is speculation that the whole story was a Victorian-era scam to get tourists to Edinburgh...those Victorian rats! Oh well, I still took a picture of the statue when I saw it!