

"Don't be afraid: I was terrified of traveling by myself. I worried about things going wrong such as missing my train/plane/getting lost. Really in the end you have to be brave and have faith that things will turn out all right and that it's all part of the experience. You'll never forget those moments and you learn from them. I learned this when I missed my train to get to England. I was upset mostly because that was money down the drain. I ended up calling my mom in tears, she asked me where I was, [and] I told her in Paris. “[What] are you upset about,” she said, “you’re in Paris!"

I know it's cheesy to say that "money comes and goes," and "everything happens for a reason," but in all honesty, I believe it! So don't be afraid! Branch out because you'll never regret it.”
Katherine (Vancouver, Canada)
Lemons into Lemonade
Sometimes the best experiences come out of a situation that feels like the worst. When I was trying to get to Israel from Egypt I ended up having to turn back at the border after spending 8 hours on the hottest bus imaginable. I got into a town called Nuweiba in the middle of the night. Hot, exhausted and running out of money, I spent what little I had left on a tiny hotel room with no air circulation and a concrete slab under my mattress. The next day I couldn't wait to get back to Cairo on the bus that left at 4pm. I left the hotel complex for the first time in full sunlight and what should my eyes behold?? Golden sand laying at the feet of beautiful mountains specked with wild camels and about 50 feet ahead of me...the shores of the Red Sea with Saudi Arabia visible across the water. It was incredible. Before I left on my bus I had enough time to smoke a little hookah, have great conversation with some locals and snorkel with the fish from a privately rented boat. Always, ALWAYS turn lemons into lemonade. Never give up hope that it will all work out the way it's supposed to!
Nick (New York, New York)