The title of the article explains it all:  How To Be Prepared For Anything When You Travel, by Matt Kepnes. I couldn’t agree more with his suggestions. Next time you’re planning on going on a trip, be it a few months, two weeks or even a day trip, be sure to be prepared as Matt advises. For more tips, advice and adventures, check out Matt’s website at Nomadic Matt’s Travel Site.  
People have festivals and celebrations for just about anything…and that’s how it should be! From celebrating the sandwich in Sandwich, England, to a Wife-Carrying World Championship Race (yes, you read that correctly) in Sonkajarvi, Finland, to racing bathtubs near Vancouver, Canada, if it means getting people together to have a good time and learn a “skill” in the process, I’ll all about it. Through the Huffington Post, ShermansTravel presents a sample of festivals from around the world that will keep your eyebrows perked up and your travel plans fresh.
Fashion Shows: the epitome of what’s hot and new this fashion season. It’s a place for designers and artists to come together and show off the latest trends on graceful, stunning models. Where an idea becomes reality and beauty, of all kinds, is celebrated.

With this fashion show, there is no difference…well, maybe a couple…

The Pied Piper Duck Fashion Show occurs during the Sydney Royal Easter Show in Australia, a national carnival and country fair.  This particular show has been going on for the past 25 years and it continues to gain popularity with each passing year. In elaborate attire these ducks waddle up and down the runway, shakin’ their tail feathers to and fro.  I’m sure they get a standing ovation each time!

Take a look at the pictures, you’ll find some wild outfits!

For more info on the Sydney Royal Easter Show, click here