The best street food that I have experienced was in Glasgow, Scotland around midnight.  Chit-chatting about the seemed gloominess of the city, my friend Jon and I were walking back to our hostel for the night when we came across a dingy white food trailer with steam and grease smells emanating into the air. We walked up to the booth and saw that their menu offered little more than hamburgers, cheese burgers, fries or a sausage-patty sandwich. The sole person to be manning the trailer was a woman in her late 60’s, smiling away as she fried and flipped, cheesed and bunned each order while scratching the grease and meat remnants off the griddle into a bucket. The corners of my mouth immediately turned south...I could just imagine the slimy fat sticking to my insides and my arteries thickening.

Frankly, I wasn’t too hungry. And as intriguingly juicy the scent of the sandwiches gave off, it couldn’t compete with the unpleasant look of the whole operation. That is, until I read about the Trailer Special: the Scooby Snack. Imagine, in this order:

Top bun
Three strips of bacon
Condiments as desired (mustard, ketchup, relish)
Onion slices
An egg over-easy
A sausage patty
A potato-hash brown patty
A cheeseburger
Bottom bun

The most disgusting, at the same time amazing, at the same time greasy, at the same time AMAZING combination I have ever seen offered on a menu (yes, I am aware that I used amazing twice). Honestly, how could I not order this? Carpe diem right? It’s not like the Scooby Snack was my typical meal of choice…although I’m sure that that sandwich equated to one full day’s count of calories; gives me the shivers thinking about the numbers.

And, as one can assume, it was heaven. So juicy and meaty and salty and loaded with carbs to keep you energized until your next meal (which shouldn’t be until the next day). I’m still not too sure as to why it was titled, “The Scooby Snack.” Maybe because both Shaggy and Scooby could devour this in one bite (why did Shaggy eat Scooby’s snacks?) or maybe it’s the thought that you can fight ghosts, ghouls and other paranormal crime while a “food high” brought on by the sandwich? Who knows! But, if you happen to be in Glasgow and you see the mysterious white truck sitting in a pond of misty fog with an old lady flipping burgers, order her Scooby Snack and you’ll be delightfully satisfied.

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