I hope that you all have plans for this weekend's St. Patrick's Day festivities as there are many options to choose from. Between the “Old Neighborhood’s” St. Patrick’s Day parade on Saturday in the First Ward and Valley neighborhoods, the parade on Sunday along Delaware Ave, and the restaurants and bars that will be going bonkers with Irish-themed happy hours and drink specials, there is much to see and do. I'll in be in attendance at the parade on Sunday trying to balance a good time with bumping elbows. Hopefully I won’t lose any teeth.

Now, I know it’s going to be a long St. Patrick’s Day weekend, what with the holiday sitting right in the middle of it all, but remember that St. Patrick’s Day is NOT a day solely devoted to drinking to the point of stupidity or blackouts. Yes its fun to wear “Kiss me, I’m Irish!” pins and to dress in your best green garb, but that’s not the whole of it either (in fact, to some it may be insulting).  The point of the holiday is to celebrate the Irish and their culture; to appreciate and understand what they have suffered through in their lengthy history and what they have prospered to become.

I’m not going to go into a drawn-out lesson on the history of Ireland; that I’ll leave for you to discover on your own, but I will give you a starting point: YourIrish.

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